Sunday, May 15, 2011

Abortion - Really, Its just muder.

   Have any of you ever seen the images of abortions? The child's small feet, they're little fingers splattered over a sliver tray. Maybe you noticed the blood. The blood covering them, or they're weak skin breaking because of the power of that murder weapon.
   Did you look at them and feel they're pain? Did you picture them crawling up to they're mothers, with a big happy smile, wanting to play?
    Or maybe you thought of the child saying "Mommy, what’s going on? What is happening to me?" or wonder if he/she knows that they're LIFE is over. Before they even see the outside world.
     People who are Pro-Choice do not take this into consideration. They think about one thing : Themselves and what good it will do for them. They, who shared the same stages as the child being aborted, Support this. They say "A women has a right to choose" or "Pro-life is Anti-Women" However, have any of you ever thought of how destructive and disrespectful that surgery is to a women? A man is ripping your fetus out. Your child. The life you made. The little part of you. A man with gloves and vacuums sucks it out of you. How would that be Pro-women?

The arguments

  In the situation of rape/incest: Rape is terrible, as terrible as an abortion. For a young girl, around the age of 12-17 you would feel as if you had no choice. (Pro-choice needs to pick a different name.) You would feel as if abortion is the only way to live. However, why would you blame the child for the faults of they're parents? Why would take something bad, and make it worse? Even if you were raped, The child is still a child. Pregnancy & Rape are very rare together. Studies have shown that in 2004 only one count of rape was the reason for an abortion.

   The mothers life is at risk: This is also a challenging situation. Giving up your life, OR letting your child live without mother. What my recommendation is, do not plan to have an Abortion. Have any of you seen Michelle Duggar? When she was pregnant with #19 her life was at risk. This is what they did : They doctors jumpstarted her labor, and use an emergency C-section. If your child still can't live after that, then you did all you could. In 2004, There were only 12 counts of abortions due to this. 
Those are they only way I would except an Abortion. Most reasons for abortions were, "I'm to young" "I'm having relationship trouble" "I'm not ready to be a mom" <- Notice they all begin with I.

   Does anyone think about the child? No one ever thinks of the child. People who have abortions only think about themselves. They think about THEY'RE future, what THEY want. They never think about the child they're leaving behind. They don't think about they baby being splattered all over a silver tray, wrapped in a bag and thrown out. Can you believe it's the Liberals who are Pro-Choice, Considering they think conservative people are selfish? Tisk Tisk.

   Most Pro-choicers say that a child does not live until it is born.. However science does not back that up. Accredited scientists’ believe life begins at conception. Science shows that the child does not construct in the womb, it develops. The child grows in the womb, it gains strength, grows larger, and develops personality. All this while being life. Is the child stupid as a stick when it is conceived? Yeah more then likely, however it is still a life that deserves a chance. In fact, this is how many Pro-life Atheists state they're arguments. As a Catholic, I do believe that all children are gifts from God. However I also trust what science say's more the doctors. Scientists see abortion for what it is = Murder. Doctors see it for what it's not = Options. Not to say anything bad about doctors, Personally I love my doctor. I'm sure not all of them approve of abortion, however they will not deny a request for one.

  Certain babies live through abortions, that means they had to have been alive when the surgery was taking place. Therefore, the child is not a blob of cells, it is a life. With a heartbeat, lungs, brains, and nerves.
 To all my Pro-life friends : Thank you for keeping up the good work. To all my Pro-choice friends, I hope this makes you think a little differently about your opinion.
Also, Thanks for reading this whole thing....I really appreciate it!